Overweight and obesity classification: BMI & other methods (EUFIC Article)

Explore how overweight and obesity are classified using BMI and other methods and understand the limitations of relying on BMI for health assessments.

Recent estimates reveal that about 880 million adults and 159 million children are living with overweight and obesity. But what does overweight and obesity mean, how are they classified, and why do they matter?

Better4U partner, The European Food Information Council wrote an article on “Overweight and obesity classification: BMI & other methods”. The article, aiming to reach consumers across Europe, provides insights into the classifications of overweight and obesity as a means for us to assess our risk for various diseases, manage our weight effectively, and guide us in making healthier lifestyle choices.

The article explores the most common method of classification, the Body Mass Index (BMI), its formula, and limitations, as well as other methods that measure body fatness.

📢 Read the full article on EUFIC’s website, here.


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